- aljemtec
Are you tired of the traditional way of attending classes? Do you want to learn from the comfort of your home? Scholarlink Academy is here to make your dream a reality!
Scholarlink Academy is an eLearning platform built by ALJEM Technologies that offers online classes (audio and video) for primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions. With our platform, you can access study materials such as downloadable notes and external links, take online quizzes, and receive digital timetables that remind you of upcoming lessons.
Our platform is designed to make learning more convenient and efficient for both teachers and students. Teachers can digitally mark scripts online, while our automatic grading feature ensures that you receive timely feedback on your assignments.
Sign up is absolutely free, and payment for subjects is weekly. We pay our teachers 60% of what each student pays weekly, so you can be sure that our teachers are motivated to provide the best education possible.
Accessing our platform is easy – simply visit https://scholarlink.ac.ug and sign up today!
Join Scholarlink Academy and take the first step towards achieving your academic goals.